Título: Trotsky muestra al fantasma de Stalin el camino de la recvolución- técnica : grabado (aguafuerte, aguatinta y punta seca) tamaño: A4
Mail Art call from Argentina Centenary of the Russian Revolution 1917 -2017 free technique minimum size: 10cm x 15cm - maximum size: A4 include in the work name, email and postal mail no jury , no return Deadline: July 31th, 2017 Exhibition: October 2017 (exhibition places will be duly informed to all participants) send to: Leonor Arnao calle 6 Nº1234 1º A e/ 57 y 58 La Plata - cp 1900 - Prov. Buenos Aires Argentina please.send an image of the work in a jpg file to: leoaliar@yahoo.com.ar